The Italian Files (curator, producer)
The Italian Files is a series of 7 conversations hosted by Thea Lenarduzzi about lesser known protagonists, themes and stories of Italian culture, society and history. These include the writer and filmaker Lorenza Mazzetti, Goliarda Sapienza, Basaglia’s psychiatric revolution, the cultural history of the river Po and much more.
Written and produced by FILL (Festival of Italian Literature in London) and supported by the Institute of Italian Culture in London.
Tecnofemminismo (curator, writer, speaker)
Tecnofemminismo cerca di svelare come la tecnologia si intrecci a ingiustizie di matrice patriarcale e capitalista e di interrogarsi su come "riprendersi" il digitale e usarlo per scardinare l'oppressione di genere ovunque si nasconda. A presentare il podcast insieme alla curatrice Giorgia Tolfo sono Carolina Bandinelli, Associate Professor of Media and Creative Industries all'Università di Warwick, e Lilia Giugni (La rete non ci salverà).
Il podcast è stato prodotto per Festivaletteratura, Mantova.
The 5th Siren (writer and producer)
When the high tide reaches Venice, four sirens are sounded to warn the population of the incoming danger. Each one of them represents a growing level of emergency, the level of the rising water. Yet there is no sound after the last siren. In 2019, when the storm hit the city, nothing could have prepared venetians for the level of destruction it was going to bring. In this podcast, Venice becomes the nexus where many global crises come together - environmental, cultural, social, technological. We aim to alert and explore what is beyond it: the many challenges we have to confront when facing an unknown future.
Written and produced by FILL (Festival of Italian Literature in London) and supported by the Institute of Italian Culture in London.